Fall bay is one of the hardest to reach bays on Gower, however the walk is well worth it and the beach is never crowded due to its remoteness.

The walk to the beach, leads down from Rhossili village hall, through fields and over many stiles. The final descent is quite steep and the rocks are slippery in places. The path is not suitable for pushchairs or for the feint hearted.

Facilities include:

  • village hall car park (private fee in honesty box)
  • nearest village is Rhossili

There is some beach at high tide. The bay is popular with surfers. At very low tide it is possible to walk around to Mewslade from Fall Bay.

The cliff path leads East to Mewslade or West towards the Worms Head and Rhossili Bay.

Tour the Gower Coastline:
Go clockwise | Go anticlockwise

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