St Madoc is reputed to have founded a church here in the 6th century, and the present building (St Madoc’s Church, Llanmadoc) is 13th century.

Set in one windowsill is a lettered stone dating from the 6th century which was discovered in 1861 in the walls of the old parsonage house, and commemorates ‘Advenctus son of Guanus’. In the west wall is a crude pillar cross and a boundary marker dating from the 7th to 9th centuries, whilst the font is probably Norman.

During the 12th century the parish was controlled by the Knights Templar, before passing to the Knights Hospitaller of St John of Jerusalem, though no visible evidence now remains of this. The Revd J D Davies, a skilled woodcarver, was Rector here from 1860 to 1911. He carved the oak altar frontal and led the major restoration begun in 1865.

Open daily throughout the year.

Grid Reference 439934
Postcode: SA3 1DE

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